Profit raten: On Coronavirus and Crisis — Michael Heinrich, juillet 2020

Profit raten: On Coronavirus and Crisis — Michael Heinrich


Translated from the German by Alexander Locascio

Ever since the coronavirus started keeping the world on edge, there have been arguments about how to interpret what’s happening. [1] From the far-right, we’ve been getting primarily absurd conspiracy theories. Liberal conservatives such as the historian Paul Nolte [2] regard it as the greatest rupture since the end of the Second World War, but have problems determining more precisely what the content of this rupture is.

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Chris Harman, Le taux de profit et le monde d’aujourd ‘hui

Le taux de profit et le monde d’aujourd ‘hui
Chris Harman

Texte original: International Socialism 115, été 2007.
« La « tendance à la baisse du taux de profit » est un des éléments les plus controversés du legs intellectuel de Karl Marx. Il la considérait comme une de ses contributions les plus importantes à l’analyse du système capitaliste, l’appelant, dans ses premiers cahiers pour le Capital (maintenant publiés sous le nom de Grundrisse), « de tous points la loi la plus importante de l’économie politique moderne ». Mais elle a été soumise à la critique dès la publication du volume trois du Capital en 1894. »

[ENG] Michael Heinrich, Crisis Theory, the Law of the Tendency of the Profit Rate to Fall, and Marx’s Studies in the 1870s

Article de Michael Heinrich paru dans la Monthly Review en avril 2013. Cet article sera notamment l’objet de la critique de Sam Williams.


Michael Heinrich, Crisis Theory, the Law of the Tendency of the Profit Rate to Fall, and Marx’s Studies in the 1870s


The development of crisis theory within the Marxian tradition has been central to much of our work in the last several years. The view that the various fragmentary references to crisis theory in the three volumes of Capital constitute a fully developed coherent structure, which only requires diligent exegesis, is a view that has never seemed sensible to us.

Recent research into the evolution of Marx’s manuscripts in connection with the production of the Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe (MEGA), the historical-critical edition of the complete writings of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, has confirmed our understanding in a very exciting way. It is now clear that Marx never ceased to develop his thinking on the phenomena of crises in capitalism, and never ceased to discard earlier formulations; for example, at the end of his life he was focused on questions of credit and crisis. Monthly Review rarely presents its readers with discussions of economic theory at a relatively high degree of abstraction; this, however, is such an occasion. We trust that the author’s exemplary clarity will permit ready access to readers with any degree of interest in Marx’s theory; for those who wish to become familiar with the conceptual outline of Marx’s work, we cannot do better than to recommend the author’s An Introduction to the Three Volumes of Karl Marx’s Capital (Monthly Review Press, 2012).

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